Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Vernon Kindergarten 7

Dear God,

Surely you know what a hammering Entergy has been taking this week with the scrutiny from the Vermont House and Senate about the decommissioning fund. And now the cat is out of the bag about our plans to raid the decommissioning fund to handle our waste problem.

It's been a tough week; lots of negativity from nattering nabobs and such. But I have, in my tried and true Fake-Rob style, succeeded in squeezing one huge positive out of this pimple of a week.

You see, a website of news from Belarus has reported that on April 23, the director at Minsk Kindergarten No. 111 received a call from a "high-level agency" with instructions to keep children indoors and to open no windows.

To no one's surprise, no explanation came with the call. And while speculation about a radiation release from one of the several nearby plants abounds (as does speculation that the whole event was a mere test--of what? Readiness to scare school administrators?), all plants in surrounding counties are playing the "no one in here but us chickens" game.

Meanwhile, in Spain, the government has discovered that a relatively minor leak from the Asco I plant in the country's northeast was 100 times more serious than the plant had ever let on. Furthermore, radioactive particles have been found as far as 60 kilometers from the plant. United Press International is reporting that about 800 people working at the plant are being given medical tests. Both the head of the plant and the top radiological protection official have been fired.

How are these two bits of admittedly dicey news a popped postule of happiness for Entergy/Vermont Yankee? It should be obvious: Neither of these two PR disasters--indeed, nothing anywhere near this bad--happened here! And this despite the fact that our plant is across the street from an elementary school. Furthermore, in order to create a PR "positive" from the PR "negative" of Vermont Yankee's proximity to Vernon Elementary, I have personally arranged for Entergy to donate adorable radiation suits for each kindergartner to wear at recess--year round!

Ain't these babies out of this world?



1 comment:

claire said...

Fake Rob,

You out do yourself!

but first it is a condenser tube leak that is still introducing Connecticut River water onto the Reactor vessel which is at 120% power generation....

Now those radiation suits for the kiddies, are they going to be white? yellow with black triangles or red with danger squiggle arrows, a skull with crossbones and running people on them?

I vote for the red ones, after all that is the official International Atomic Energy Agency's radiation warning symbol.

We should all have a red suit to wear for the evacuation to the reception center.

Please ask Entergy to send the suits with the calendars. or package them with the tone alert radios instead of the incorrect size batteries.

We would wear them to go shopping, to Starbuck's or anywhere else the lines are too long....