Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Destroying the Village in Order to Save the Village

Dear God,

I should be getting combat pay.

  • We have come into Vermont and trashed the place, and it's not our place.

  • We have sworn that there were no underground pipes, when the underground pipes were leaking tritium and other isotopes.

  • We have promised transparency, while asking our attorneys to block the release of information central to our transparency claim.

  • We have called our attempt to block the release of information an attempt to make the truth more widely available. "The purpose of the motion was not to conceal information, but to make it public," Larry Smith, my homie, has said.

Hey, God. Here's something fun:

Q: What do you call a PR guy who comes up with logic like Larry's? Or a VY executive who doesn't know that there are underground pipes containing radioactivity?

A: A radioactive isodope.



Friday, March 26, 2010

A Heck of a Job

Dear God,

My head throbs. My heart aches.

We are trying to build trust with Vermonters outraged by the lack of "nuance" in our communications with the Public Service Board and certain oversight whatevers about underground pipes. "Now is the time to rebuild the confidence Vermonters have in Entergy," we said to the assembled media at a press conference we called on Thursday morning.

We have [quoting from our own press release of 10 am March 25] "embarked on a six-point, fleet-wide initiative to become an industry leader in tritium leak prevention, detection, and mitigation. The six-point initiative includes benchmarking industry best practices, prioritizing structures, systems and components, improved inspection techniques, and improved strategies for prevention, monitoring and mitigation of leakage." Wow, Lord. Leaders! Wow.

I had high hopes of this all turning out to be a plus for Entergy Vermont Yankee. “This team has proven that a difficult problem can be solved with the right combination of expertise, experience and willingness to work day and night to see the project through to successful completion,” our press release quoted Entergy Site Vice President Mike Colomb as saying in gratitude to the investigation team "for the dedicated, careful, and thorough approach it took in investigating, identifying and stopping the tritium leak." Yes! The music swells! The crowd surges forward, tears of relief and happiness running down once-concerned citizens' adorable faces!

But then, Mark Savoff, Entergy’s executive vice president for operations, said to reporters that, with regard to tritium, we did a heck of a job.


Do you remember, Lord, what happened the last time someone did a heck of a job?

How can we expect the people of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts to trust us to run an aging nuclear power plant when we can't even run a PR campaign?



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Fight is Far From Over

Dear God,


You think that the Vermont Senate's expression of disgust with our corporate behavior means that you've spoken, and that's the end of things, and that it would be "primo" for the people of the towns and states near Vermont Yankee to "forgive" the likes of me?

What have you been smokin'? The fight is far from over.

In anticipation of next year's legislative fight, we've gotten our lawyers to do an "independent, outside investigation" concluding that we NEVER intended to lie to regulators or investigators about the existence of underground pipes.

And as Ray Shadis points out, our lawyers are powerful. Why, Shay Totten reports that Ray calls them the consiglieri to the nuclear mafia!

And you should already know how close the nuclear industry worldwide and the mafia are, given that I've already prayed about the mafia handily disposing of 30 ships containing nuclear waste.

Ray has got his head up his comb-over. The people of the illustrious firm of Morgan, Lewis, and Bockous show no signs whatsoever of being mafiosa (or of being independent, for that matter). As Shay reports,
[I]n 2008, the firm represented Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee in a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Energy for failing to create a disposal solution for high-level radioactive waste. It also represented AmerGen, the company that tried to buy VY before Entergy.
Hey, Morgan, Lewis, and Bockous are even representing our Entergy sister plant, the "Indian Point nuclear reactor, in its relicensing proposal before the NRC"!

Look, God, I thought we had a relationship. I thought you cherished me. Respected me. That we had an understanding. And then you dare to confuse me with some guy named "Primo".

Oh, forget I ever said I loved you!
