Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Meek Won't Inherit the Earth

Dear God,

"Yours is the earth," says a video narrated by Curt L. Hébert Jr., executive vice president for external affairs at Entergy. The video is his gift to people of the energy industry. So, apparently, is the earth. (He's actually just reciting Rudyard Kipling's "If," but in the context of the debate about safety at Vermont Yankee, "If" has acquired a heckuva lot of unanticipated depth.)

Hébert has been asked by Entergy CEO J. Wayne Leonard to head a team of company senior staff handling Vermont Yankee matters.

Pleaes don't take my word for it about "If"'s new depth, God, or about what the video reveals about Carl Hébert. Follow the link. I'd put the whole video right here but I can't; on YouTube this particular video has embedding disabled.

In Carl We Trust. Wow.



UPDATE: In his Vermont Daily Briefing, Philip Baruth has also commented on Carl Hébert's rendition of "If." Oh! So did VT Digger.


Fake Jay Thayer said...

"If a picture paints a thousand words....then why can't I paint you?"

Because my brushes were stored in some underground pipes that didn't exist, but now do, but now have radiated tritium all over them so the paints just kind of smear and I'm getting dizzy and is everything spinning or is that just Enexus?

Anonymous said...

There's no buisness like snow buisness